OK, so my day started out like any other, for the most part. I got up early to work on a paper that I ended up deciding I'll just turn in late, then I find out that my degree isn't going to work out with a minor and a major in the same field of study...and then, right after I print out my transcripts to get my degree mess worked out, there's a mass text message sent out that there's a gunman on campus and that we're all on lock down.
Fast forward to 2 hours later, still locked in the English office. There's about 50 students/faculty/staff in the office with me, there is no food, and there is regulated group trips to the bathroom. We have NO NEWS about what's happening outside, and we have not been told that we can go, therefore the gunman is still on the loose. The only thing we hear is rumors we hear on Fb and what we've been able to see online, which are not reliable sources, and the info keeps changing every few mins.
I have read that: a white boy in a cowboy hat had a gun somewhere on 5th street and was seen walking near campus, he has 2 hostages in Rivers Building, he has a bus held hostage down town, and that he's carrying an AK-47 or some other kind of assault riffle. Almost ALL of those things have been confirmed, and confirmed as rumors, SO we have no idea what's really happening.
Hopefully more to come later! (And hopefully food to come soon!!)
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