"I'm a writer, I give the truth scope!" -Jeff Chaucer, A Knights Tale

Monday, November 14, 2011

SCAD update

I have finally submitted ALL of my stuff for my grad school application to SCAD!! For those of you who don't know, SCAD is Savannah College of Art and Design. It is one of the most prestigious art institutions in the world. I will hopefully be studying photography there starting in March 2012. I also hope to study some cinematography, because you all know how much I LOVE movies, and mixing photography and movies would be AWESOME!!! :D Also, je parle francais et il y a un campus de SCAD en France!!!  
So now that I have submitted everything, I just have to wait for them to make their decision. JUST isn't the right word since I have no idea where I will live if I don't get in, and I will have applied to no where else. BUT most grad school will only let students start in the fall, so I'll still have until Feb to apply to other school. SCAD is just my top choice. Hopefully none of that will have to happen because my awesomeness will stupify the admissions board and they will have no choice but to accept me to their program and give me a full scholarship!! Here's to wishful thinking!!   

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