"I'm a writer, I give the truth scope!" -Jeff Chaucer, A Knights Tale

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Officially the Worst Blogger EVER!!

That's it, I take the cake. Maybe it's because I'm busy, or maybe I just don't care that much, but I never can seem to remember that I need to update my blog...for all 3 of my avid followers. 
* I still need to apply to SCAD to get my MFA in Photography
* (PLUS) My new life goal is to go to SCAD and become a famous Cinematographer
* I hope to get into the study abroad at the France campus in La Coste Fr
* My sister and I might be renting to own a 5 bedroom 2 bath house in Savannah (if our trip goes well this weekend, that'll be it's own blog, it's a major fixer-uper!)
* It's looking like this site may become geared more towards my photography then my plays, but I hope to be able to continue to work on both

That's about all I've got for now, I should hopefully remember to post something up here after my trip this weekend, and if I can figure out how, I could post some pix! :D Thanks for reading, if you are...