"I'm a writer, I give the truth scope!" -Jeff Chaucer, A Knights Tale

Friday, November 12, 2010

It's been a while...

It's been a while since I've posted anything. So, I'm posting something! It's been sort of crazy these past couple weeks. I've been rolling over some more ideas in my head and just need to spit them out on here. (Sorry)
 I found a college that has a Ph. D program in Youth Theatre! I thought that was really cool, so I may one day be a doctor! Dr. Ange. OK, that sounds sort of funny. But I may just go by Dr. Tats...for all my tattoos, bring attention to my oddness.
I also have a few new ideas for some new plays. I'm toying with the idea of doing something on sexual health. (You ALL know that teens in high school either are or are thinking about having sex.) This is a very important issue that can sometimes be hard for teens to take from adults who "have no idea what they're going through." So, I think it would make a great topic for a YA play. It would be easier to convey that sort of thing through theatre and kids their same age.
I've also been writing some shorts based on improve lines given during one of my classes. I plan on typing these up and e-mailing them to a theare group here on campus and having them hopefully performed on campus. In addition to those i'm also sending in my 10 min. play and possibly the 1 Act I wrote last year that is just too long to put up on here!
I also have a commissioned work that I've been asked by a friend to do, I'm still trying to figure out how this one is going to work, but it's for his book, and he has asked me to write a skit out of it to use as a type of advertisement.  
I believe that is all for now, and I will keep you all posted as to when and where performances may be! Thanks for reading!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

New Idea and Upcoming Stuff

I know this Ancient Gods still existing and stuff today business has been done before, thanks Rick Riordan, but I had an idea for a stage version of something like it. Like having muses as the chorus and having it set in modern times. Educational, fun, and fantasy all at the same time. If none of you have read the Riordan series' yet do so, they are awesome! (If you're totally unfamiliar, or live under a rock) His series include the Persy Jackson Series, Red Pyramid (The Kane Chronicles), and his newest one called Lost Hero, which is sort of a sister series to Persy Jackson...I've only read bits of the Lost Hero but I loved it!!

In other news I just was offterd my first commissioned work. A friend of mine, and follower of this blog, just had a book come out on the Nook, and he has asked me to write a scene from it for the stage to spread the word. I have agreed and will hopefull start of that this weekend. Thanks Rob for your faith! :D That is all for now...keep in touch!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Just a random thought

I have decided that I am not going to follow conventional methods of writing. I don't want people to be able to tell right off what I'm getting at. I want to shock and surprise people. I would love, more than anything else to change the lives of the people who see, read, or perform my work. I want for people to be able to identify with what I write on a deeper level than anything they've ever been able to connect with before. I want to be the silent partner in a life long kinship that helps people who are lost find their way through life. I want my words to be the friend that won't let someone down when they need them most, and that will comfort them no matter what their problem is, or where they are in their life, now matter how old they are or what their sex or sexual orientation is. No one should be left alone in order to fend for themselves in this life, and it shouldn't be expected. No one has all the answers, but at the same time no one should look up to or depend on someone or something so much that they forget to depend on themselves. I just had to put that down, I hate getting too deep and talking in circles. I'm going to just leave it at that.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

A 10min play

Goodbye Daddy
Scene: A girl, mid-20’s, with her long time boyfriend is standing outside her father’s hospital room. Her father is about to die and is hooked up to life aiding machines. Lighting should be very minimal, possibly low lighting over the bed, and having some brighter light everywhere else. A partition can separate the room from the hallway, the hallway should have chairs and a stool with magazines, maybe a nurses station almost off stage.  
You know you don’t have to do this. You can just let him go in peace.
I know, but I have to. I have to tell him some things. (Pause) Even if it is too late for it to change anything.
OK. I’ll be right here if you need me.
Girl (stalling)
Thank you for coming with me, it means a lot. You never even met him.
Don’t worry about it, just tell him what you need to. I’ll be right here when you’re done.
(They embrace, she enters the room, looks at her father for a little while, turns back to her boyfriend, he signals for her to go on.)
(She clears her throat) Dad? (Pause) Dad, I have to tell you something whether you can hear me or not. (Pause) I still hate you Dad. I hate who you are, and the way you are, or were. I hate what you did to mom and me. And mostly I hate you because you never thought you did anything wrong. Or at least you didn’t remember you’d done anything.
(A nurse comes in, she stops talking. The nurse is checking his vitals. She is trying to be cheerful.)
Are you his daughter?
                                                                        (No response)
You’re the first person, I’ve seen, to visit him. I was beginning to think he was all alone.
                                                                        (No response)
I didn’t think he was old enough to be all alone just yet, I knew he just had to have some family out there that cared about him.
Yeah I guess that would be me then. I am his daughter, but I can’t say that there is anyone out there who cares about him.
Oh, I see. Well then, I’ll just leave you to your…um, with your…I’ll just be leaving now.
                                                                        (The girl nods, and the nurse exits.)

How could you have been so stupid? We all knew you had a problem. And we tried to help you, but you wouldn’t let us. And now you’re lying here dying! You never cared if you knew me or not, but I did! Dad, I cared about knowing you. It’s an important thing for a girl to know her father. I mean, you’re supposed to care about your little girl right? (Pause) Do you even know, or care, that I’m in college now? I make good grades too.
                                                                        (She turns and looks at her boyfriend again.)
I met a guy. He’s a Com. Major. He’s a really good guy, nothing like you. You should be proud. I really think we could go somewhere. And you know what? You’ve never even met him, never even knew he existed. And now you’re not even going to be around to ignore me anymore. (Pause) I really would have liked the chance to get to know you. The real you. Not the depraved asshole who would only be home on the weekend, and even then you’d be drunk. Only to leave Monday mornings and send her flowers and chocolates.
                                                                        (She stops, catches her breath, looking down.)
You know I don’t even know when your birthday is? And we never celebrate Father’s Day either. I think that ones in the summer, I’ve seen the commercials on TV. (Pause) Do you remember anything? Remember when I broke my arm in third grade, and mom had to call you to bring her car back home so she could drive me to the doctors? And you were so pissed because you had to leave the poker game early. Did you know that the summer mom finally called the ambulance for that I had lost my virginity and I was in the middle of a pregnancy scare? Did you even know I had been seeing anyone?!
(She begins sobbing, her boyfriend sees this, and comes into the room, he comforts her as she cries. The nurse sticks her head in to check on things, looks questioningly at the boyfriend, he nods, the nurse leaves.) 

(Wiping her eyes) I’m OK now, thanks.
Are you sure, do you want to leave now?
No, I have one more thing to say, OK?
That’s fine. I’ll be right outside.
                                                                        (She nods, he leaves the room)
I just wanted to tell you…I used to love you. I remember sitting at the front door to watch you leave, and just wait for when you’d wave your arm out the window at us. The way you used to dance al crazy, and play the music so loud I would come out of my room to watch you dance around. And that one time you tried to teach me to play spoons! I never did catch on to that art. I cared so much what you thought of me. I thought that if I was good, and if I’d get better that you would stop being mean to mom and you’d get better for us. All I wanted was for you to notice me and love me. I think you used to once. You must have. Now I’m all grown and we know nothing about each other, and it’s too late. I don’t think I will ever be able to forgive you for what you’ve done. I never got to have a daddy like all the other kids; I had the father who was never there when it mattered and was drunk when it didn’t. (Pause) I just wanted to tell you that I turned out OK, in spite of you. You had nothing to do with the way I turned out. After I leave here today, and after you’re gone, I will never think of you again. I have said what I needed to say to you, and now I’m done. The part of my life that you affected is now over, and I can start again, fresh and without having to worry about what you would think of me because you’ll be gone.
(She turns to leave, he raises his hand toward her, but it drops. At the door she turns to look at him)
Good-bye Daddy.
(She exits the room, the boyfriend joins her, she exits in his arms, the father raises his arm out again, it drops off the bed. The nurse re-enters, checking his papers, puts his arm back on the bed and tucks him in.)
She seems like a really nice girl. And that boy she’s with is a good looking boy, too.
                                                                        (No response)
She must have been a handful growing up. I’ve heard girls are what every father wishes for. You must be very proud.
(No response.)
Well I’ll just leave you to your thoughts then.
(The nurse considers him a moment then exits. Lights come up more on the bed, the father is shaking as if crying, lights fade to black.)

My first Blog post

This is my first time blogging. I hope to recieve great feedback and support for my cause. I hope to be able to keep this site updated at least bi-weekly with new works, and hopefully daily with random quotes or issues I find interesting that deal with my topic of interest. Thank you for showing intrest in my works, and I look forward to trying to enrich your lives with my writting and insites.

~Candice Leigh