It's been a while since I've posted anything. So, I'm posting something! It's been sort of crazy these past couple weeks. I've been rolling over some more ideas in my head and just need to spit them out on here. (Sorry)
I found a college that has a Ph. D program in Youth Theatre! I thought that was really cool, so I may one day be a doctor! Dr. Ange. OK, that sounds sort of funny. But I may just go by Dr. Tats...for all my tattoos, bring attention to my oddness.
I also have a few new ideas for some new plays. I'm toying with the idea of doing something on sexual health. (You ALL know that teens in high school either are or are thinking about having sex.) This is a very important issue that can sometimes be hard for teens to take from adults who "have no idea what they're going through." So, I think it would make a great topic for a YA play. It would be easier to convey that sort of thing through theatre and kids their same age.
I've also been writing some shorts based on improve lines given during one of my classes. I plan on typing these up and e-mailing them to a theare group here on campus and having them hopefully performed on campus. In addition to those i'm also sending in my 10 min. play and possibly the 1 Act I wrote last year that is just too long to put up on here!
I also have a commissioned work that I've been asked by a friend to do, I'm still trying to figure out how this one is going to work, but it's for his book, and he has asked me to write a skit out of it to use as a type of advertisement.
I believe that is all for now, and I will keep you all posted as to when and where performances may be! Thanks for reading!